Saturday, May 14, 2011

What is a Christian?

O.K. ...let's talk about being a Christian. What does that even mean? Yeah, we get the whole heaven, hell, fire, and damnation stuff. But what about now? What does it mean to be and live as a Christian now...before I die? It means I am flesh and spirit. We have God, angels, Christians, and the lost. Each is different. I have my human body and soul, but I also have the Spirit of God in me which gives me power. What power? The power to love, to have compassion, to forgive, to be gentle and kind. I also have the gift of constant peace. I may not acknowledge this gift all the time, but it is always available to me. The lost have not yet received the Spirit of God into their very being. It is available for all to receive, but all have not yet received. The lost are in constant pursuit of the same things the saved have...happiness, joy, contentment. The lost cannot sustain these things on their own, because they come from God.  The lost stay frustrated, somewhat disappointed, never quite satisfied. Am I not speaking truth?

Being a Christian is not about being better than anyone else, because we are all a mess. Beimg a Christian is about tbeing different. We are not like anything else in creation. As a result, our lives should reflect that difference. That is what it means to glorify God. The lost should desire what I have. What do I have? God in me.

I have lived much longer without God than with Him. As a result, I know...have proof...there is evidence of the truth I speak. Hocus pocus? No. Supernatural? Without question...yes!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Settling in the Spirit

Learning to live by faith is a journey. It is a process. You do not become a believer and heart and soul lover of Jesus and poof...become spiritually mature. You also don't JUST attend church and...poof find yourself full of faith. Learning to live in faith is like navigating in your home when it is completely dark. The first time you took a step in your new home, in the dark, you were very tentative. You took small steps and eased through and around obstacles. Sometimes you avoided the obstacle and sometimes you broke your toe. Another night comes, you wake up, and you have a choice. You can just stay in bed (and probably be miserable because the whole reason you are awake is because you need to pee), or you can get up and do what you are feeling led to do. After several late night ventures, you can probably walk around your home in the dark at a normal pace. Eventually, it does not matter if it is day or night, you are so familiar in your surroundings and trusting of where the obstacles are and how to avoid them, you can move around just as well in the night as you do in the day.

Faith is the same way. In the beginning of your journey, you receive a lot of information in your head...who Jesus is, how He lived, why He died. That info, because it came to you from God's Word, begins to seep into your heart and change you. As the change begins, the Holy Spirit, the one Jesus left behind to be our helper, begins to lead. At first, you are careful...unsure...wanting to believe but not sure someone hasn't moved an end table on you. But God is faithful, true, loving, and patient. He gives you signs. He affirms your faith steps. He gives you results that are answers and assurances and proof that He is here...right here...right now.

As your faith grows and you begin to be comfortable in your walk, you settle in the Spirit. Questions are replaced by acceptance and thinking is replaced by believing. You can be content, be joyful, be full of praise and worship to the Father because He is present...oh so present. He is our loving Father who created us and gave us a way to relationship with Him. He gave us Jesus to walk in truth in a form we can see and relate to. He left us the Holy Spirit to fill us with peace, love, mercy, grace, and be the guide we need.

The key to settling in the Spirit is His Word. You can own your dream car...shiny,polished,and with an engine that purrs. But it won't do anything without the key. Same thing with your life of faith. It begins when the Word comes alive in You. As the verses wrap themselves around your very DNA, your faith engine begins. Have faith. Stay the course of the Word. It will lead to the ride of your life. Along the way you will settle, cruise, steer with one finger. The Spirit is..can be...behind the wheel. Settle in. Enjoy the ride!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Living in Faith

God is...well how do we describe God? God is a higher power, a force, the unseen, grace, mercy...God is love.

To really live in faith you have to get out of your head and live from your heart and soul. Your mind, while powerful and fascinating, is all about limits. Your mind is your pause and rewind button, but real living doesn't come from shutting down or living in yesterday.

What does living in faith really mean? It means that you believe (and live as you believe) God can alter your world...your life. Living in faith is all about knowing that the chain, or should I say crash, of events that is called free will can be changed by the hand of God. Have you ever forgiven? Have you ever loved? Have you ever been delievered? Have you ever been healed? Have you ever been rescued? Have you ever been saved? Have you ever seen a situation turn around? If you are living in faith, well you have said yes to these questions.

Oh, we say God is good and He has plans to prosper us, but do we live like it? In the face of trouble, do we take a deep breath, kick back and relax and say, "This one's all on you God"? God moves on behalf of HIS people...notice I didn't say people...I said His people...those of us who are walking with Him in obedience. Now keep in mind anyone can have that personal relationship with God, but some reject it. God knows those who truly love Him and live for Him, and God will absolutely move mountains for you, friend.

I never really understood the mustard seed verse until I started to understand faith (and I'm at the tip of the mountain {pardon the pun LOL} when it comes to faith). I always read that passage and thought Jesus was telling them they didn't have enough belief {head/mind} to unleash the kind of super-natural power it takes to move mountains. Sometimes I even wondered if the "move mountains" was not just a figure of  speech.

No. no, no. Having faith to move mountains comes straight from the heart and soul. If I am living for God...if I am living to love Him and love others, if I am living out of the same love and example Jesus better believe God is going to move every mountain in my way. When I say every mountain, I mean every mountain...struggles, hardships, hangups, people, and the Himalayas if they are in my way to becoming more mature in faith. I have a message for God, from God, and He will change life to let me express it. He'll change life because He loves us.

Now I want you to really think and pray abount faith, because as you get some holy revelation, it ought to change how you're living life. Fear and anxiety? No need. Despair? No way. That I can't do it mentality? God never wanted you to...He wants to do it through you.

What are you believing God for? I don't mean...what are you praying for, holding your breath, and then letting your mind come up with Plan B. I mean what do you want in life that will allow you to live with the blessings God wanted for you all along? Ask it. Believe it. Start living your life like you will receive it.

Nowhere does it say Christianity is boring or quiet. Yes, we do have heaven to look forward to. But, I'm going to live for some of my blessings right in the middle of this crazy world I'm going to have a holy party.

Sound lovely? It is!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


We were created to adore. We were created to get totally absorbed, fall head over heels, be dazed and confused, go all love with our Savior.

Along the way we sometimes go astray...especially in our culture where the more the better reigns. We adore our families, we adore our friends, we adore our jobs, we adore our hobbies, we adore our free time, we adore our margaritas, we adore chocolate, we adore what we can smoke-snort-shoot up.We adore sexual relationships that were never meant to be.

We adore so many things. So why are there so many who are empty, anxious, depressed, looking up and thinking there has to be more than this?

There is only one thing we can adore...are supposed to adore...that will lead to fullfillment instead of pain. We are to adore Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY thing that ever walked this planet that we can adore and be safe. Jesus does not lie. He does not run. He does not lead us astray. He does not love us for selfish reasons. He does not use us for self-promotion. Jesus loves to love because He is love.

It is O.K. to take the cover off your heart. It is O.K. to be dependent. It is O.K. to trust, to feel, to commit, to surrender, to be saved by the one and only thing that will never hurt you. You may have been hurt by people, but not by the Savior.

Let loose, breathe, have faith, have hope...all for His glory...all for His delight.

We were made to adore Him.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


We look at T.V. screens - flat. We look at cell phone screens - flat. We stare at computer monitors - flat. We do a lot of living in a one dimensional world, and we feel, well - flat.

God created a 3D world. There are galaxies, stars, planets, water, creatures, people. Everything in creation has motion. It moves, connects, flows out, returns. Our lives should look that way. We should be bonding with those around us. Our listening skills should have power and affect. Our love should go out, move, and the blessings return. Our tears need to be wiped. This morning's sirens need prayer. The hungry need fed. The sick need healing. The bored need to be entertained. The heavy in heart need to laugh. Our emotions need to twist, turn, and fold.

You can't be a part of these things if your life is flat because you're only living for yourself. God intended on 3D living: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Your loving God created you and is in control. Jesus Christ came and showed us how to live, laugh, love, weep, and sacrifice. The Holy Spirit indwelled Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lives in us who believe and call on His name. You can put on the glasses of the world and trick your mind into thinking your living, but when you take those glasses off the screen of your life is flat again. Or, you can believe in God, cry out for the salvation of Jesus Christ, and receive the Holy Spirit into your heart and soul.

Father, Son, Spirit
Faith, Hope, Charity
Love, Mercy, Grace


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Exciting Times to be a Disciple for Jesus

I don't believe there has been a more exciting time to be a disciple for Jesus Christ than right now. Some look at the world and think things are terrible. I hear comments like, "I wouldn't want to raise a child today." Look around. It is terrible. The Palestinians are STILL trying to take over Jerusalem. The Muslims are trying to worship at Ground Zero. The U.S. Is trying to resist big govt taking over little govt.

BUT here is the Good News: there is hope! It's good that those with only a worldly belief system are getting tired of feeling empty. It is good that people who have been in church all their lives are lookng for relationship rather than religion. It is good that small govt will force charity back into play. I mean...I can pay it forward just fine when the govt doesn't take half and tell me what to do with the second half.

Right now there is world wide tension...the feeling that a shift is taking place. People are wondering how did we get here and how do we get out. People are looking...looking. What better time to find hope in Jesus Christ? What better time to be filled with the Holy Spirit? What better time for revival? What better time for true worship of a Holy God whose great compassion still loves His wayward child? What better time to be a prodigal daughter?

Jesus, forgive, have compassion, take care of those in need. How refreshing in a world that has been ripped off, hacked, molested, robbed, and lied to? These are amazing times because people want to take their masks off and get real. We have every means in the world to communicate who we are, where we've been, and how Jesus changed changing us.

Raise your hands. Raise your voices. There has never been a more exciting time to be a disciple!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are You Full?

Do you ever get sucked up in the religion game...wondering who is right and who is wrong? Do you wonder if one group has it figured out better than the rest? Do you go through the motions to cover the bases? Do you listen to others talk about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and feel empty - feel like their words are all for show? READ EPHESIANS CH.3! If ever there was a passage to explain what it meant to bring salvation to the world, to live life to the fullest, to be saved...this chapter is it! The Bible is crystal clear on Israel's favor with God. They have been through so much together and every world event, current event, and headline ticker is telling their redemption story. However, in Ephesians Ch.3, Paul beautifully shows us that we also are in God's favor. Jesus came for us. We have our own redemption story in the cross, and not just Jesus' death on the cross, but His life thereafter. His resurrection story is our fullness in Christ. I literally remember what life was like without Jesus - a rat race full of anxiety and disappointments that Paxil only took the edge off of. Everyone's story is different, but my life before Jesus and after is as different as night and day. I have my own personal B.C./A.D. timeline that is the perfect before/after makeover shot.

Jesus not only offers us non-Israeli's eternity, He also brings us fullness in Him right now. Living is being so full you weep or so full you laugh out loud. Being full is going through a crisis and not loosing faith. Being full is loving when the old you wants to hate, and walking away when you know revenge could be yours. Being full is resting in the middle of chaos...being still and knowing He is God.

We are full of His Spirit. We are full of His word. We are full of grace. We are full of His love. I am full of redemption and salvation and a power that is bigger and stronger than anything here on earth. I am full of praise for Him. I am full with a desire to worship.

Jesus longs for you to be in an intimate relationship with know never question His presence. You can do a lot of religious stuff, but you can only be full by the presence of the Holy Spirit in your very being.

Has He taken up with You?

Are you full?