Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cookie Cutter

God is doing some amazing things in my life right now. He is knocking off my sharp edges, smoothing out rough spots, and molding me into the person He designed from the get go. Sometimes, we let this world pile up on us, and God Almighty takes the time to knock it off! I'm realizing how cookie cutter of a "church person" I had become...not totally...not all the time, but more than I cared to admit. Humans are products of their environment. So, when your environment is church, there is the possibility you will start playing a role...saying the right things...doing the right things...volunteering for the right things.

The only role playing God is interested in us playing is of Jesus Christ. That is one of the reasons Jesus came - to show us how to be sanctified in this crazy world. There was certainly nothing cookie cutter about Jesus Christ. He didn't befriend who society said He should. He certainly didn't avoid who society said He should. He met in churches (temple), homes, the beach. Jesus embodied love, compassion, incredible patience.

You know...God knows my heart. He knows when I don't want to pray. He knows when I don't want to praise Him. He knows how weak my faith fact I am a creme puff!!! It does me no good to pretend to have faith I don't have or to give love I don't have. It's not about me. It's all about Him. Lord, I am who I am. You know me better than I know myself. I don't want to be cookie cutter. I want to admit where I am and be changed daily by You. I can be changed by Your Word, Your love, Your blessings, and Your lessons. I surrender all...again.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Did Jesus Come?

The last week has been one of those spin around, turn around, upside down moments in life. God has moved in ways to make me hypersensitive to His power and His will for my life, as well as the fact that surrendering to Him means I have no control. Daily surrender is key to a life of growing closer to Jehovah God.

Over the past few days, I have been convicted in regards to why Jesus came. Obviously, He came to save. He was and is our way to be reconciled back to God. He is the sacrifice for all of our sins...even the ones I will commit next week. What, though, about Jesus made Him so different? What drew people to Him? Why are people drawn to Him even today? Scripture says He was not drop dead gorgeous. He had no physical attributes that made Him special or would have drawn people to Him.

So, what was it? COMPASSION! Jesus was not just a great teacher, a healer, the best of friends. He was compassionate. He did not refuse anyone. Even in disagreements He was not offensive. Jesus was compassionate then, and He should still be today. How...through His people...through Christians. When we talk about the light of Christ shining through us, what does that mean? Impart, it is how we treat others. Sometimes, we are so preoccupied...we don't have time even to be compassionate. In other instances, we really like people who are like us and have things in common with us. This attribute limits our compassion to those in that circle.

Jesus was compassionate to everyone all the time...even as He died..."Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do." There is another "C" word important to Christians. That word is compromise. Being compassionate does not mean we compromise the Word of God. It is what it is. It says what is says. Jesus never compromised His teachings. He never watered anything down. In fact, He even had a table throwing fit on one occasion.

There is a way to be compassionate and not compromise. You cannot do it on your own. I cannot be compassionate without compromising on your own. You must have the grace of God in You. You cannot have grace without Jesus Christ. You will encounter events tomorrow that make you have a hundred different emotional responses. Don't be ruled by your emotions. Take a step in faith. Shut down. Surrender. Let Jesus Christ pour out compassion in your actions and your words! Someone needs you tomorrow. Someone's very eternal life depends on not you, but Jesus in you!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Seeds of Faith

I heard someone talking this week about seeds of faith. He was referring to scripture when a father brought his sick son to the disciples to be healed. The disciples; however, could not heal the boy. At this point, you could have had a whole lot of breaking down of faith. The disciples could not heal because they did not believe they really could. The boy's father could have very easily hung his head and taken his sick son home. He didn't though. What did he do? He went to Jesus.

The person I was listening to pointed out God can do anything. It is not about...can God do it. The question is do we believe God can do it? Do I truly believe and know I am a loved child of God? Do I really believe He knows every hair on my head (and the color for which I do not even know)? Does He really have plans to make things wonderful in my life? Is He actively working to accomplish those plans?

Here is the beautiful part of our love story with God. He truly knows me. So, He knows at times my faith is great and at times my faith is weak. He does not expect the faith of Abraham from me all the time. He does, though, expect seeds of faith!

Seeds are tiny. Think about it. They are small, light, seemingly insignificant. However, look at what a seed does. It opens. Roots. Grows and becomes beauty, nourishment, produce. The same thing happens with our faith. Just as a pumpkin seed must be planted so must our faith seeds be planted. Where do you plant faith seeds? They should be planted in prayer time and when reading and being obedient to the Word of God.

Emotions are tricky. They can be deceiving, and they can be used by the deceiver to steal our joy, peace, contentment, and sometimes faith. Do not be ruled by your emotions. Plant seeds of faith and experience the glorious wonders of our Heavenly Maker.

I am in the process of planting a plantation of faith seeds and have seen the first sprigs of the harvest...grace...beautiful, wonderful, magnificent grace!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Word

All scripture is God it says. We are doing ourselves a great injustice if we a.) don't read the Bible daily and b.) read it as if it were a history lesson. While the Word of God does discuss past, present, and future situations, it has a characteristic which makes it way more than just history or just a book. The Word of God is alive! If I read a good book, I may feel some emotion from it, but it does not minister to me. The Word of God ministers to the soul!

Personally, I am facing some uncertain times right now. It is definitely F.R.O.G. (fully rely on God) time. My wise husband told me today, "You can fuel your fears, or you can fuel your faith." How do you fuel your faith? I suggest prayer and time in His Word. I had this suggestion affirmed by The Almighty a few hours ago. I have prayed for direction and an open door all day today. When I would start to feel overwhelmed, I would finally shut off the brain and switch to the Spirit. Tonight at church, the most amazing thing happened. While working with children in AWANA handbook time, I quickly realized God was speaking directly to me through the verses the children were reciting. There was nothing subtle about it. Verse after verse was related to the following: do not fear; do not be discouraged; I am a child of God; my Father has prepared a place for you THEN: one of the children, a second grader, recited - mostly from memory - the 23rd Psalm (The Shepherd's song) THEN the lesson I had prepared hours earlier was the Beatitudes!

It was unbelievable and desperately needed. Verse by verse I was calmer and more assured of the plans my Father has for me because I am His.

Lord, I love You too. I love You too.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

VISIBLE Fruits of the Spirit

I am a Christian. I profess it. I post it. I claim it. As a result, someone should not have to ask me whether or not I go to church. Are you following me? My attitudes, which are displayed in my actions and words, should not so match that of my culture, the world, that someone would wonder whether or not I go to church. For those who are not saved, they tend to not use the word saved. Since they are not sure exactly what the term really means, the lost don't tend to wonder or ask people whether or not they are saved. The more typical, comfortable, accepted question is do you go to church (this issue brings about a post for another day). For those who spend any amount of time with me, there should be no question in their mind about where I spend my Sundays, Wednesdays, and any other day I get the chance.

Galations 5:22-26 (NASB) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (I blew that one yesterday); against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.

Matthew 7:20 (NASB) So then, you will know them by their fruits.

It is not enough for us to say to ourselves we are good, or we are saved, or we are right. Jesus Christ in us, by the Holy Spirit, should be reflected in our walk and our talk. We should not be motivated by greed. We should not store up our treasures on earth. We should not hate because of color. We should not shun the poor because of pride.

We Christians should, first of all, know and understand Scripture so we know what we are supposed to do and be obedient to. We are not born with some inherent knowledge of how to be Godly. First, pray for Luke 24:45 for yourself and others - Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. We have to read it to know it and understand it to live it. We should not and cannot do any of that by our own power!

Being a Christian is knowing the Word, living in obedience to its Living Word, being led by the Spirit, trying to prayerfully know God's will for your life. These are all layers and layers which get deeper and richer as you come to know your Savior. Today is a day I need Him to save me from this world...from others...from myself.

I sincerely hope the people around me do not wonder if I go to church, if I am a Christian, if I am in the Word. Lord, let me reflect love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I want to glorify You. I want my witness to bring people to You and not away from You. Everything else is in the wash!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Panic to Peace

I used to absolutely hate Sundays - especially Sunday afternoons. I would rather do a bad Monday than a good Sunday because of one word...DREAD. By about 1:00 p.m., the absolute dread, soon turn to panic, would set in. As hard as I tried to ignore it or talk myself out of it, the dread would come at me with an overwhelming consumption like air to a flame. It would start with just small thoughts of going back to work. Then would come the nausea. Finally, the all out too much chemical released in the brain panic. This rush of bad energy would come to rest in misery like a wet blanket. Week after week I tried to hide from it, and week after week it found me.

Slowly but surely, I began to see a change. The entire Sunday was enjoyable. Work found its proper place in my list of priorities. To be honest, for years it was #1. I am ashamed of that fact and will always feel regret over what I let work steal from my life. Sunday, my day of Sabbath, worship, study, and rest became my favorite day. Then, I began to even enjoy work again. I found contentment at home, peace at work, and near paradise in fellowship. Now, I almost (not all. I'm being honest here; not melodramatic) enjoy every moment of life. I still have bad days, tired days, and definitely hormonal days. They are days now and not entire seasons of my life.

Lo and behold if I didn't learn the why behind this transformation today in Sunday School. We are studying Ecclesiastes (my absolute favorite), and the opening chapters talk about the burnout of the daily grind. There is day. There is night. There are seasons. Nothing will change that fact. What you do, why you do it, and for Whom you are doing it makes all the difference in the world. Solomon, the man who had absolutely everything to excess, including wisdom, says it all in Ecclesiastes. You want to be content and have it all? Live life fulfilling your God given purpose. Think about it. Would you rather do something out of habit, or would you rather do something for a cause? We love a cause. Save the whales. Save the rainforest. VBS. Christian Food Mission. It doesn't matter if you are a Christian or not, you like a cause...a reason behind why you do what you do. Why? You were created with a purpose in mind. and your mind, heart, and soul long to fulfill, be engaged in that purpose.

Why have my days changed so dramatically? Why am I living life to the fullest? It has absolutely nothing to do with my circumstances because they have not changed in the least. I am married to the same person. I have the same one and only child I want. I live in the same house. I have the same job. The difference is that I now do what I do for God...all of it. God is becoming (I'm being honest) my #1.

Here was the beautiful lesson in the lesson from Ecclesiastes. It is the Hebrew word for activity. For some of us, activity is the problem. There is too much of it, and it serves no Godly purpose. We are overwhelmed and exhausted before Monday ever comes. Ready for the Hebrew word for activity?


Are you ready to delight in everything you do? Only do it if it glorifies God. Don't do it for your spouse, your children, or your employer. Don't do it for your parents or for people you think may be your friends. Do it for your maker...for the One who delighted in you when He created you!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Love of My Life

We spend our lives searching for or thinking we have that one great love. We have a favorite this or that. We long to be the favorite this or that. For awhile our greatest love is our parents/parent. Then as we get older, we believe a girlfriend or boyfriend is that all consuming love we think we can't live without. One day we get married to the person who we think is the absolute love of our lives. Then that thought is shattered when we have a child and realize we can't possible love anyone or thing more.

If life is the pursuit and/or transition from one object of love to the next, why isn't life perfect? God is love..right? God is perfect...right? Yes - God is love and is perfect. Somewhere along the way, we thought love would be found in this life that was perfect. Someone has made our heart race, taken away our appetites, and made sleep a non-event. That love has also ended, at times, in disappointment, heartache, frustration, tears.

We keep looking to other humans to be the lover of our souls. God created us to love HIM and to be loved by HIM. We get the love part; we just don't fully and literally realize the HIM part. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love us, protect us, and save us like nothing even Nicholas Sparks or Karen Kingsbury could capture. Our love story of saving grace is the most powerful and beautiful thing on the planet. Everyone wants love. You show me someone negative, and I'll show you someone who got unloved, underloved, or misloved (new word).

There is the great romance. There is the moment when you can't breathe. There is someone who is not only willing to die for you, but who did. There is someone who will never leave you or never hurt you. That person is Jesus Christ. We can't be loved by anyone on earth like Jesus loves us. There is such a thing as your soul mate...but it's not your spouse. It is your savior. The love of Christ is beyond this earth. It is the purpose of your creation and my creation.

Stop expecting someone to love you as the Savior does. Stop pretending you love someone that much. Let Christ love you and love through you. Forget Edward and Jacob. I'll take Jesus everyday!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mind Blowing

A few months ago, I was speaking to someone who had completed Beth Moore's study on the Book of Daniel. I was interested to hear her take on it because I was about to start the study. All she could say was, "It's going to blow your mind."

Well, last night my mind was totally and completely blown. I have learned so many things over such a short period of time it has left me stunned. Here was the biggest brain tilt: 1 John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know it is the last hour.

What? What does he mean antichrists (plural)? I thought there was one antichrist, but it is right there...plain as day. Hold on. Take a deep breath. SATAN DOES NOT KNOW WHEN JESUS CHRIST IS RETURNING ANY MORE THAN YOU AND I DO! So, the devil is working as if every day is the day Christ will return. He is making as much evil in as much evil as he can. He is preparing some in every generation for the possible role of THE antichrist.

Are we Christians working every day as if this is the day of the Second Coming? We know how this story begins and ends. Our role is to show the light of Christ to as many people as possible. Plant spiritual seeds. Make people want what you have - the Holy Spirit, joy, contentment, life to the fullest. Then, if today is the day, those who have accepted Christ will not be judged as the lost will be judged. Satan doesn't know the when. He is studying the Bible...watching for signs just like we do, or at least like we better be.

I was a little disturbed that last night's lesson was a new one for me. I'm still all worked up over the change it has made on my perspective. I have talked about it to people all day. Why aren't people all over talking about the fact Satan is working not knowing when Jesus is coming? You know what I think? People don't know. A lot of Christians don't know. Why? We don't know Scripture.

Let's just admit where we are and commit to learning more. For the love of Jesus, let's not let Satan use pride to keep us from learning Scripture because we don't want the people in the pew next to us to know we don't know. Let's learn. Let's love. Let's not go through the motions and play church. Let's raise our hands and praise Him because we know Him more and more each day.

Another day has ended. We are that much closer to the return of Christ. Is the antichrist ready? I don't know if he is, but I plan to be!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

All in God's Time

2010 is underway as is my commitment to read the Bible, cover to cover, this year. It will be my first TIME, and I'm super excited. In addition, our first Bible Drill meeting is today. I know it is for 4th - 6th grade, but I think I'm more excited than anyone!

Anyway, since it is the beginning of the year, I am reading Genesis. I came across something I have never really thought about, or maybe it spoke to me in particular because of where I am in life right now. Most of us are familiar with the story of Noah and the Ark. That Bible story is one of those which made its mark on Christians and non-Christians alike. We all now the basics: God found favor with Noah; didn't find favor with the rest of the world; decided to destroy all living things in a flood; told Noah to build an ark, load up his family and all the animals (2 of every kind and 7 of some others).

Sidenote: The first awesome thing I learned about this story, once I actually read it for myself, was this fact: Noah spent a long, long time building that huge boat, and it had NEVER rained on the earth. you realize what kind of obedience and blind faith that took?

Anyway, here was this morning's discovery...Noah wasn't on the boat for 40 days. You know the story. It rained for forty days and forty nights, BUT NOAH STAYED ON THAT BOAT FOR ALMOST A YEAR!!! Think about it. The water was high enough to cover all the land - even mountain tops. That kind of water is not going to disappear over night. Noah didn't leave the boat when the rain stopped. He didn't leave when the bird brought back the olive branch showing proof the water was receding. He didn't leave when the bird left and did not return. NOAH AND HIS FAMILY LEFT THAT BOAT WHEN GOD SAID IT WAS TIME! Specifically, according to scripture, it was two months after the land was completely dry!

Now me...I would have bailed ship the second the rain stopped (cute rainboots or not). If I don't see sun for a few days, I get a little punchy. My eye starts to twitch a little. You know what I mean? Well, I would have been dead on the 41st day because I would have drowned. Now let's just say God saved me when I jumped and put me back on the boat. Well, when that bird brought the olive branch, I would have gone over board again and again when the bird didn't come back. It never would have crossed my mind that just because the rain stopped the ground would have been like a big ball of quicksand. Not even the Wonder Twins (do ya'll remember the Wonder Twins...Activate) could have pulled me out of that kind of mud!

God brought Noah and his family off the ark when it was safe. He tries to do that for you and me everyday...keep us in the safety of His presence. Yet, we're in a hurry. We know better. Really though, we don't. If we would just let the Man lead wouldn't things be so much smoother...not perfect, but oh so much smoother.

Let's let God do this year in His time. he is going to anyway. Let's praise Him. Worship Him. Read His word so we know for ourselves what we're being obedient to, and let Him have His time with us!

Friday, January 1, 2010

How Personal Is Personal?

I had the weirdest revelation in the past few days. I'm not even sure I can accurately describe, in words, what I have begun to see without sounding like I'm suffering from a heat stroke. Here goes: God has some of the same attributes as I do. Correction: I have some of the same attributes as my Heavenly Father.

I've been reading the book of Jeremiah during my morning prayer time. I don't know if it is the fact this book is longer than some, or if it was something particular to Ch. 33. While reading Ch. 33, I had the clearest picture in my mind of the fact God has a face, a back, a heart, and a mind. Chapter after chapter, God is talking to Jeremiah. The book is mostly a conversation between the two. It isn't just a five minute exchange either: "How are you? Good. Good. How are you? How is your family? Good. Well, good to see you." The Book of Jeremiah records multiple conversations...sometimes long conversations...between God and Jeremiah. I could almost see the two sitting on a rocky ledge, overlooking a beautiful valley. Some chapters they mourn over what will be the destruction of Jerusalem. Other chapters they rejoice over the future reconciliation and restoration of God's people.

As I slowly began to really think about the fact God isn't necessarily a glow in the dark blob of divinity, I had the strongest since of Him sitting right with me. Think about all the scripture that refers to God's face. God himself talks of hiding or not hiding His face. Moses is allowed to see God's back as He passes by. Scripture also refers to God's hand. Hands, an outstretched arm, a face, a back...duh...Genesis states we are created in His image. Even better, in the Book of Jeremiah, God refers to His heart and mind. Another glimpse - at the FEET of mercy.

I'm not trying to create an artist's sketch here. We do not know what God looks like. His glory is too much for us to take in with human eyes. However, that doesn't mean we don't have a glimpse. That's what Moses got. That's what we get from scripture...a glimpse.

Somehow that glimpse made Him all the more personal, closer, more intimate for me this week. I don't pray to Oz or some unknown entity. I pray to THE Almighty God who has a face, a back, a hand, an outstretched arm, a heart, and a mind! How personal? PERSONal...very PERSONal.