Saturday, December 26, 2009

Counter Culture

I love a Saturday full of Bible study!!! Today was fabulous! I have moved from one stack of books and Bibles to another today...complete with my favorite ink pens and red wax pencils. If I try to read one more thing out loud to my husband he has threatened to strangle me!!!

Today's studies have been interesting because they all overlapped. Here is a kind of outline for what I worked on today: morning prayers and Bible reading (the Book of Jeremiah at the moment), a Sunday School lesson from Philippians Ch. 2, a training union lesson on the Book of Daniel with substudies from Genesis and Revelation. I just could not be any more content! Well, my studies kept hot-lapping each other. Jeremiah continues to prophesy repentance prior to total destruction. Daniel continues to prophesy repentance prior to total destruction. Genesis layed out Nimrod and the first world-ruled (world...not God) order - Babylon. Revelation depicts the final fall of the world-ruled empire - Babylon. Then there is Paul writing from prison in Rome (Babylon!!!) encouraging his fellow Christians to be Christ-like in attitude and filled with joy as a result!

My mind is blown! I need a soap box...oh yeah...the Portico is my soap box. Christians, we are to be counter-cultural. We are not to blend in with this world. We are not to compromise and find a way to straddle the fence. Contrary to what Oprah is NOT all roads warm and fuzzy lead somewhere warm and fuzzy.

God did not take on the form of the king of the world. He didn't even take the form of someone wealthy, or affluent, or popular. He became a baby in the most common of places to the most common of people who were only made extraordinary by their obedience to God!!! He came as Christ to serve. He did NOT have to do that. Yet, He did to show us as much of His characteristics as is possible for man to emulate!!! We just have to choose to follow His example. You/we didn't choose a lot of our circumstances thus far, but we certainly have chosen our attitudes every day...all the way. Do you have the attitude of Christ or the attitude of our society? They are most certainly polar opposites.

Christ lived to love, to serve others, to sacrifice to the point of death. We don't even fully support our missionaries anymore! We are living in times where politics, one world order, and governments are front-line, 24/7, center of attention topics. Christians, it is time (well passed time which is why we are where we are) to be counter-cultural. The loss of your retirement plans did not end your life. If your child is like mine and got less this year, he's probably better for it. If healthcare gets sacked, we still serve and are faithful to the Great Physician.

Here is what has my attention. I don't want one penny of my taxes going to abortion. I don't want to be told where I can and can't pray. Christian radio has just as much, if not more, right to be aired than anything else. I can help someone in need without being featured in the paper. I can forgive. I can continue to love. I'm not here for the attention of others. I am here to please and glorify God.

As my day continues to spin, QVC (which I love and use) is running the captions "It's All About Me," which is exactly the title of Babylonian thinking in my Daniel study. Hhhhmmmm.

It better start being all about Him. I don't know about you,but I like the idea of living life to the fullest. Give me love, friends (true friends), security, hope. Thank you, God. You give me those things every day. favorite...grace! How in the world and why in the world do people still pass on grace?

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Lesson and a Gift

This post will be a little scattered because it should have been two different posts. I haven't been able to get to the Portico when I needed to over the past week or so...too busy; too, too busy! Who knows what didn't make it to the Portico because my brain shifted gears before thoughts were captured by my post-it notes. The inside of my purse is lined with post-its! I will try to be better about regular posts...for selfish is one of my favorite things to do.

The Lesson - My training union class is doing Beth Moore's study on the Book of Daniel. I love her studies on books of the Bible because you REALLY know the book when you are finished with the lesson. In her last video segment, she made a statement that rocked my heart, soul, and mind. I get rocked so often it is a wonder I don't stagger when I walk. Anyway, she was discussing being sealed. When you receive Jesus Christ in your heart and are filled with the Holy Spirit you become sealed. Meaning the Evil Onc cannot get in. He can try to trip you up from the outside world, but scripture says he CANNOT be in and/or control your thoughts and emotions. It didn't dawn on me immediately. I have heard, talked, and discussed this scriptural fact before. However, later God turned the lights in my head on high-beam. Holy revelation!!!! The Evil One doesn't know what I am thinking! Do you get how huge that is? If I am thinking and sinning in my thoughts (which I do A WHOLE, WHOLE LOT) that stinking serpent doesn't know it!!! He only knows it when I speak it or put my sin into action. Then he can jump into action and try to trip me up in the world. Do you see how important it is not to vent and not to lose your witness? It is not just about me being a stumbling block for someone else. It is also about me not tipping off the one who wants me to fail. He can only hear and see what is on the outside. I almost cried over the relief of this fact. It is painful enough that my Savior knows my sins...sees the daily failures in my mind and heart. What a relief to know the Evil One doesn't know it if I don't show it!!!! In recent days, I can assure you I have become much quieter and calmer. At first, it was intentional but it is becoming holy habit!!!

The Gift - I had the strongest urge (which I have come to know as God) to go to Christmas Eve mass this year. I have been a proclaimed Southern Baptist for about 3 or 4 years, but prior to that was Catholic. I mean born Catholic, Catholic school educated, plaid uniforms, and weekly mass Catholic. I haven't been to mass in 6 or 7 years. Yesterday, I just started having this desire to go. I knew my dad would be there, and I didn't want him to be by himself. So I thought it would be a nice Christmas present for him if I surprised him by showing up. I must confess I was pretty apprehensive about going. I knew it would bring back a flood of wonderful memories, and I wondered if I would feel the presence of God in a more powerful way. I can't really explain to you why I thought that other than the fact there is something very moving in a mass.

I was flooded by emotions. Nothing had changed in the cathedral itself. I remembered every responsive reading, prayer, and psalm and loved being a part. I loved being there with and for my dad. It was obvious it meant a lot to him. While I did feel close to the Lord, I didn't feel Him any more or less than I do at my home church. For some reason, maybe affirmation, I was tickled to death to experience that. I also heard the most powerful homily (sermon) by the priest on salvation I may have ever heard. I wanted to stand in the pew and shout amen! That would have been different in mass! The priest laid it out there...a beautiful explanation of you and I being reconciled to Him by accepting Christ into our hearts. I was dumbfounded. Was this homily the first time I ever heard the plan of salvation in mass, or was it always here and I didn't hear it? I'm still very curious about the whole thing. I felt like the whole experience was a gift from God. Here was the gift: I took my Bible with me. If you have never been to a mass, all the readings come from the Bible. Yes, the same Bible used by Southern Baptists. However, most Catholics don't carry their Bible, highlight it, study it. That was my gift from God this year: to see how much I love my Bible. I needed it in my hands. I opened it and read the readings from its pages. I will return to a church on Sunday where I will study it for Sunday School, read from it during the sermon, study again the Book of Daniel in training union. Next week (thank you K.S), I will be part of Bible drill for the first time in my life. I can hardly wait! I love the Word of God. There cannot be too much exposure to it!

Praise God. Worship Him. For His love, study His Word.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

To Please Him

Sovereign, All Mighty, All Knowing, the Alpha and Omega. He knew when He created creation what would be. He could have altered His story. He could have scrapped it all together. Yet He didn't. Knowing full well what would come of the world, people, and His people not only did He allow us to exist...He offered His son as a way to a choice. He knew man would fall and fail time and time again. Yet every second since the birth of Christ there has existed the choice to stop falling and start living.

In studying for Sunday School, it dawned on me that God knows my whole life...the big picture. So why even fool with me? Because I delight Him. You delight Him. Every act of obedience, every prayer, every praise, every motion of love delights Jehovah Father. The thought of me delighting the Ancient of Days blows my mind. Yet, I know with the strongest conviction that fact is true. I feel in the core of my soul the Spirit speak and affirm God's delight in me sometimes.

For example, right now I bet God is beaming. I could be in an inappropriate chat room talking to someone I should not be. You could be hanging out on websites you shouldn't be. We're not though. We are right here on Solomon's Portico with a delighting, beaming, loving God. He knows my story and yours. He knows the hairs on our heads (for which this crazy weather is reeking havoc). But there are moments He delights and says way to go...that is exactly what I wanted you to do.

I just want to please Him. I want to delight Him. Every time I am tired, ill, and cranky I have an opportunity to not do what I feel, but do what will please the Lord. Every time God calls me, there is an opportunity to not focus on me, but focus on Him. Tomorrow is Monday. If there is a day of the week meant for battling crabbiness it is Monday! Do things tomorrow to delight Your heavenly Father. Let it be a day about Him...for Him.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


If I cook one more crockpot of meatballs, I'm going to stab someone with a toothpick! I may even break the toothpick in half and then stab someone! Since becoming a Christian, I have promised myself every year that I would enjoy the Christmas season. If anyone should be enjoying Christmas, it is the Christians. In fact, if you are not a Christian, next week should be just any other seek. So, don't stay home from work.

Sorry, that is a blog for another day.

Truly, I do not like what we refer to as the "holiday season" - the period from Thanksgiving to New Year. We live in a country that is not thankful for what our founding fathers did and is trying to remove God from the planet. Why in the world do we run around for six weeks being thankful and worshipping things we can't afford to buy? Does anyone else see anything wrong here?

Anyway, when I became a Christian, I decided I would enjoy, celebrate, embrace Christmas since it is in recognition of the birth of my Savior. For six years, I have made it about this far before snapping. I was again on the verge of snapping - tired enough to cry and irritable enough to throw off the armor of God and go at it with someone.

A Travis Cottrell song has saved my sanity and my soul this year. I am currently listening to it over and over when in my car. Yesterday morning, I really listened to the words of the song and the affect was like a mild sedative. As the words sunk in, I just relaxed, retreated into the presence of Jehovah, and chilled out in His embrace.

Let me share the words of the chorus with you:

Search me know me
Try me and see
Every worthless affection hidden in me
All I'm asking for is that You'd cleanse me Lord

Create in me a heart that's pure
Conquer the power of secret shame
Come wash away the guilty stain of all my sin

Clothe me in robes of righteousness
Cover my nakedness with grace
All of my life before You now I humbly bring

Just typing the words brings tears to my eyes. You know what is powerful and works in those words? God is active not me. God is at work. God is moving. I just humbly come to Him, but He is the doer.

I listen to those words, and I shift to autopilot. I think I'll just coast along in the passenger seat for awhile!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Struggles or Spiritual Shortcomings

Yesterday morning, as I was journaling and praying, God revealed to me a struggle is actually a spiritual shortcoming. What does that mean? When I struggle with an idea, situation, person, I am not being obedient somewhere along the way. Either I am not being obedient, or I am lacking in faith. Maybe I struggle even being around a certain person. Maybe there is a certain person who cannot stand to be around me. In that case, there must be an issue of unforgiveness or lack of love. I'm not talking about getting on each other's nerves here. That is just plain irritation. I'm talking about hate, anger, resentment. Those are struggles. If I have truly forgiven the person, maybe I have not been obedient in what God intended on me doing with that person. Maybe He doesn't want me around that person, or maybe He doesn't just want me around the person, but to witness to the person. Have you ever noticed how much we hang around each other yet do not witness to one another?

The struggle doesn't have to be a person. It can be a lifestyle. Again, I'm not talking about compromising on sin here. There are some lifestyles that are sin. Period. God has clearly and SIMPLY laid out in His Word what He expects and accepts and what He doesn't. I'm talking about whether or not you are struggling to maintain your witness. You can oppose sin and show the light of Christ. Doesn't God?

In addition to being disobedient, sometimes I just don't have faith. I don't really think God will heal that person. I don't really believe God will deliver that family from financial disaster. I don't really believe God will restore that marriage that looks like something off a soap opera. I generally and usually believe God can do anything. However, if I am being honest, there are moments of doubt or even hypocrisy. I say I believe, but do I live as I believe?

When we lack faith and are disobedient, we see ourselves struggling...that feeling of unrest. It is a spiritual shortcoming. We are not allowing God to work through us completely. We haven't surrendered completely in order to receive the grace to do what we are not capable of, forgive, shine as the light of Christ's love.

I read the coolest verse I have ever read this weekend in Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.

That verse is exactly what I want to do 24/7. I want to consume the word of God, lick the spoon, turn up the bowl. I want to eat it, breathe it, and live it. I will struggle. We all will, but from my struggles will come spiritual growth. I will move forward toward the prize. I have been called, and I will live to glorify God's name.

Perfect? No way...not even close. Christian? All the way!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ruined by Christmas Pageants

Whether you go to church at least three times a week or have never darkened the door, you have seen the manger scene depicting the birth of Jesus Christ. Maybe you saw the real deal with live sheep, cows, and humans. Maybe you have seen the life-like forms in plastic. Maybe you have seen the tiny, shelf-sized figurines. One way or another, I believe everyone in the U.S. has seen the nativity scene.

So, what do you see? Jesus and Mary are by the makeshift cradle. Baby Jesus is in the makeshift cradle. The shepherds and wise men are making their visit to the King of Kings. Animals are everywhere. Well, let's just stop right here. Have I missed anything? Did I describe it accurately?

Here is the problem. Those wise men were NOT at the birth of the baby Jesus. Nor were they there a day or two later. Think about it. They came from afar and probably by camel, but certainly not American Airlines. Those wise men did not see Jesus until he was between the ages of 1 and 2!!! Now, this clarification does not shake my faith. It does not question my salvation. It does/has put something unbiblical in my head as fact though. I don't want that. I've got the Good Book. I want my thoughts and images to be based on what is in it!!!

Now, I realize you can't have a nativity, play, skit, drama that lasts 1 to 2 years. It requires some editing for the sake of time. For the love, at some point have a child walk across stage with a poster reading - ONE TO TWO YEARS LATER... Replace that plastic, baby Jesus with a toddler and carry on with the show. We need pageants, plays, movies, dramas. They help us picture some things our minds can't quite picture. Let's be accurate though!

Start asking people who visited baby Jesus in the manger. I bet you'll be surprised by who and how many include the wise men. I did until yesterday!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spiritually ADD

At times, I have spiritual attention deficit disorder. Can you relate? You are so distracted, worried, or hurried you realize hours have gone by and you haven't prayed or praised the Holy of Holy? For some, it may be days even. I have learned to tell when the spiritual ADD has kicked in. I can tell as soon as my eyes open. If I wake up feeling things, all is well. However, if I wake up thinking instead of feeling...look out!

You know what I mean. Instead of your first thoughts being praise of our Lord, you are running through a mental check list in your head: I need to go here. I need to call so-and-so. I have a meeting. I hope I don't have to speak to so-and-so. When my mind is racing, I find it more difficult to praise and/or pray. In addition, I am more easily distracted. Humans by nature are distracted. I think of the movie, Up. In the movie, the dogs will be mid-sentence and shout, "Squirrel." Some days that is me. I am mid-prayer, and my mind shouts, "Year-end inventory today." Another example is being mid-praise. When we are praising God, we are not just with the Highest High. We are on the highest high. Mid-praise I will realize my mind has switched to matrix argument (having an entire argument with someone in your head).

There is a cure for Spiritual ADD...the Holy Spirit! This morning I could tell I was like a plate of Waffle House hash browns: scattered, covered, chunked! My mind was all over the place. I struggled through morning prayer time. I couldn't focus to journal. It took forever to fill up a page...let alone my usual three! Driving to work I thought, "Lord, I don't want to spend a day struggling to be with You." That's when it hit me. Hello??? Ask for help! I stopped then and specifically prayed for God to get me focused, settled, back behind His lead. I want you to know it worked. After a few minutes of praying, I settled right down. Why wouldn't I? Praying to be aware of His presence is definitely in His will. I get that one answered immediately with a big, "Aaaaawww."

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. Jude 20-21 Isn't that good?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Keeping Vigil

I had a conversation last night with my WMU director. She is working on promoting this year's Lottie Moon Christmas Offering at our church. For those of you like me and may have never heard of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering - it is a fundraiser for international missions. This year's theme is Who's Missing Whose Mission? Isn't that good...doesn't it make you stop and think?

My director was talking about how we keep vigil for people who are missing...lost. We bring flowers, light candles, sing, pray for safe return. We should do those things. My mind automatically thinks of missing children when I think of vigils...the wait for his/her return.

What are we doing for our spiritually lost? They are the ones missing Jesus' mission, my mission, every Christian's mission. Are we holding vigil...praying...expectantly waiting for their admittance into the body of Christ? What am I doing? I can think of name after name of those who should have been on the pew next to me in worship service this morning or name after name of those who should have been in worship services somewhere. It is the Sabbath after all.

Have I forgotten the power of prayer? Have I never fully understood its power and potential?

It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among who I am foremost of all. 1 Timothy 1:15

I, even I, am the Lord, and there is no Savior besides Me. It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, and there was no strange god among you; so you are My witnesses, declares the Lord, and I am God. Isaiah 43:11-12

I have been saved. I am His witness. Let the vigil for the lost carry on through me and through you. Who's missing............ Who's praying?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jesus Is Enough

I used to think my life would lead to one defining, huge moment that glorified God: Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, Paul on the road to Damascus. Later, I realized it is not about one defining moment but a daily walk with the Lord. Oh, but just this week I have realized it is not even the daily walk. It is about the every second surrender.

Before I get into this post, let me make something clear: I love my safety, my stuff, and my schedule. If you alter any of those three things for my family or myself, I am liable to tailspin. However, that tailspin must lead back to the Feet of Mercy. See, in order to surrender you must be truly broken. Sometimes that includes pain. Sometimes it comes in revelation. Sometimes it comes as both. In order to be broken, Jesus Christ must be enough. In good times and in bad times, I must know, that I know, that I know I am O.K. because Christ is in me and with me and for me.

There used to be times when I thought the world was against me. There have often been times I thought no one understood me. There have even been times when I was on top of the world and good as it gets.

It is not about the circumstances or their changing in time. Christ is there, and He is really all I need. I may lose my spouse, my son, my home, my job, my family, my friends. However, I can never lose my relationship with Jesus. That should not just be a scriptural fact. It should not just be a sermon point. It should be my comfort, my strength, my resolve, my peace.

Is your world spinning out of control? Are you dying on the inside but have painted on a smile? He is there for you. He is waiting for your invitation. It isn't His invitation. It is yours. Maybe you've already invited Him in. Is He enough, or is He just an addition to your stuff? Is your faith secure as long as everything on your checklist is O.K.? I'm not saying you have to be suffering or going through a difficult time to relate to this concept. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Our security should be FELT in both extremes. Whether you are experiencing a high or your lowest low, your heart should be saying, "Jesus is enough. He is truly the only thing I need. He is sufficient. His grace is sufficient."

Our God is amazing and loving beyond what I can fathom. Although He is enough, He still looks to bless, and bless, and bless.

In an earlier post, I told you about receiving e-mails from God (don't the earlier post). Well, I received another one this week...a big one! I was antagonized by someone this week. I don't like to be antagonized because it draws ungodly responses from me. I prayed throughout the day, "What do I do? What should I do? What would you have me do?" No joke - the next day I received an on-line devotion that instructed Christians to stop asking God what we should do and start asking, "God, how can I glorify You in this situation?" I was stunned! Not only was there truth and wisdom in the question that gave me an immediate answer as to how to respond to this situation, but I almost hit the reply button to tell God thank you!

Oh, He is enough. He is way more than enough!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Earthquake or Earth Shattering?

Sometimes things that seem so simple are my biggest struggle. For example, scripture says there are some people and some relationships you are to avoid, stay away from, sometimes run from. Scripture also says the greatest command is to love...even your enemies. So, how do you love when you have to end a relationship? How do you witness to that person whose lifestyle is more immoral than you can imagine? Oh sure, in your mind you say sin is sin. I am no better. However, love is a state of doing not just a state of being.

So, how do you bridge this gap? My pastor, who I firmly believe has been put on this earth to keep me grounded in the Word of God and nowhere else, made closing comments recently at the end of a song service that tilted the planet anyway. He was speaking of scripture that tells us to remove sin from our lives and to stay away from those who don't remove sin from their lives. He went on to say there are just some people you cannot be friends with. I immediately we can you love your enemy and not be friends with someone?

Then he said it, and the light came on...literally! You may not be able to be friends with someone, but you do not change your witness. As Christians, the light of Christ should shine through us at all times, in all circumstances, with all people. You may not be able to befriend everyone, but you must be a witness for Christ to everyone!!!

Wow! Do you get that? Does that changes things for you in a dramatic way? It certainly does for me. Some people don't want friendship from me. Some I can't maintain a friendship with because they just will not work to remove sin from their least letting it be a work in progress. BUT I can, should, must, will remain a witness for Christ to that person!

Friend....witness...not necessarily the same thing!!! Wow! I love it when scripture finally sinks into my brain cells! Whew!