Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ruined by Christmas Pageants

Whether you go to church at least three times a week or have never darkened the door, you have seen the manger scene depicting the birth of Jesus Christ. Maybe you saw the real deal with live sheep, cows, and humans. Maybe you have seen the life-like forms in plastic. Maybe you have seen the tiny, shelf-sized figurines. One way or another, I believe everyone in the U.S. has seen the nativity scene.

So, what do you see? Jesus and Mary are by the makeshift cradle. Baby Jesus is in the makeshift cradle. The shepherds and wise men are making their visit to the King of Kings. Animals are everywhere. Well, let's just stop right here. Have I missed anything? Did I describe it accurately?

Here is the problem. Those wise men were NOT at the birth of the baby Jesus. Nor were they there a day or two later. Think about it. They came from afar and probably by camel, but certainly not American Airlines. Those wise men did not see Jesus until he was between the ages of 1 and 2!!! Now, this clarification does not shake my faith. It does not question my salvation. It does/has put something unbiblical in my head as fact though. I don't want that. I've got the Good Book. I want my thoughts and images to be based on what is in it!!!

Now, I realize you can't have a nativity, play, skit, drama that lasts 1 to 2 years. It requires some editing for the sake of time. For the love, at some point have a child walk across stage with a poster reading - ONE TO TWO YEARS LATER... Replace that plastic, baby Jesus with a toddler and carry on with the show. We need pageants, plays, movies, dramas. They help us picture some things our minds can't quite picture. Let's be accurate though!

Start asking people who visited baby Jesus in the manger. I bet you'll be surprised by who and how many include the wise men. I did until yesterday!!!

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