Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jesus Is Enough

I used to think my life would lead to one defining, huge moment that glorified God: Jonah and the whale, David and Goliath, Paul on the road to Damascus. Later, I realized it is not about one defining moment but a daily walk with the Lord. Oh, but just this week I have realized it is not even the daily walk. It is about the every second surrender.

Before I get into this post, let me make something clear: I love my safety, my stuff, and my schedule. If you alter any of those three things for my family or myself, I am liable to tailspin. However, that tailspin must lead back to the Feet of Mercy. See, in order to surrender you must be truly broken. Sometimes that includes pain. Sometimes it comes in revelation. Sometimes it comes as both. In order to be broken, Jesus Christ must be enough. In good times and in bad times, I must know, that I know, that I know I am O.K. because Christ is in me and with me and for me.

There used to be times when I thought the world was against me. There have often been times I thought no one understood me. There have even been times when I was on top of the world and good as it gets.

It is not about the circumstances or their changing in time. Christ is there, and He is really all I need. I may lose my spouse, my son, my home, my job, my family, my friends. However, I can never lose my relationship with Jesus. That should not just be a scriptural fact. It should not just be a sermon point. It should be my comfort, my strength, my resolve, my peace.

Is your world spinning out of control? Are you dying on the inside but have painted on a smile? He is there for you. He is waiting for your invitation. It isn't His invitation. It is yours. Maybe you've already invited Him in. Is He enough, or is He just an addition to your stuff? Is your faith secure as long as everything on your checklist is O.K.? I'm not saying you have to be suffering or going through a difficult time to relate to this concept. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Our security should be FELT in both extremes. Whether you are experiencing a high or your lowest low, your heart should be saying, "Jesus is enough. He is truly the only thing I need. He is sufficient. His grace is sufficient."

Our God is amazing and loving beyond what I can fathom. Although He is enough, He still looks to bless, and bless, and bless.

In an earlier post, I told you about receiving e-mails from God (don't the earlier post). Well, I received another one this week...a big one! I was antagonized by someone this week. I don't like to be antagonized because it draws ungodly responses from me. I prayed throughout the day, "What do I do? What should I do? What would you have me do?" No joke - the next day I received an on-line devotion that instructed Christians to stop asking God what we should do and start asking, "God, how can I glorify You in this situation?" I was stunned! Not only was there truth and wisdom in the question that gave me an immediate answer as to how to respond to this situation, but I almost hit the reply button to tell God thank you!

Oh, He is enough. He is way more than enough!

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