Thursday, December 17, 2009


If I cook one more crockpot of meatballs, I'm going to stab someone with a toothpick! I may even break the toothpick in half and then stab someone! Since becoming a Christian, I have promised myself every year that I would enjoy the Christmas season. If anyone should be enjoying Christmas, it is the Christians. In fact, if you are not a Christian, next week should be just any other seek. So, don't stay home from work.

Sorry, that is a blog for another day.

Truly, I do not like what we refer to as the "holiday season" - the period from Thanksgiving to New Year. We live in a country that is not thankful for what our founding fathers did and is trying to remove God from the planet. Why in the world do we run around for six weeks being thankful and worshipping things we can't afford to buy? Does anyone else see anything wrong here?

Anyway, when I became a Christian, I decided I would enjoy, celebrate, embrace Christmas since it is in recognition of the birth of my Savior. For six years, I have made it about this far before snapping. I was again on the verge of snapping - tired enough to cry and irritable enough to throw off the armor of God and go at it with someone.

A Travis Cottrell song has saved my sanity and my soul this year. I am currently listening to it over and over when in my car. Yesterday morning, I really listened to the words of the song and the affect was like a mild sedative. As the words sunk in, I just relaxed, retreated into the presence of Jehovah, and chilled out in His embrace.

Let me share the words of the chorus with you:

Search me know me
Try me and see
Every worthless affection hidden in me
All I'm asking for is that You'd cleanse me Lord

Create in me a heart that's pure
Conquer the power of secret shame
Come wash away the guilty stain of all my sin

Clothe me in robes of righteousness
Cover my nakedness with grace
All of my life before You now I humbly bring

Just typing the words brings tears to my eyes. You know what is powerful and works in those words? God is active not me. God is at work. God is moving. I just humbly come to Him, but He is the doer.

I listen to those words, and I shift to autopilot. I think I'll just coast along in the passenger seat for awhile!

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