Saturday, March 27, 2010

What I Can't Wait For

You know church has its own lingo. I guess any group of people who spend any amount of time together develop their own, little language. You definitely see that at church. You have two language groups. One group says it because they have studied God's Word, know EXACTLY what they are saying, and mean what they say. The other group is just repeating what they hear from the other group. They really don't know the Biblical significance, or what the words are to mean to the listener.

Let me give you some examples:

auto response to any problem: We'll pray for you.
Now, group #1 knows there are some steps before praying can happen. They know God set some guidelines and parameters to effective praying. This group intends to intentionally come into God's presence, clear their consciences and ask for forgiveness from sins, forgive anyone they haven't yet. These things are not easy, but are necessary for prayer to be heard and answered...ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD ANYWAY. Now, group #1 is going to get into a right relationship with God, and then they are going to really pray for that person and problem...and probably pray pretty regularly about it.
Group #2 has no idea there are any kinds of steps to effective praying, or that their prayer won't even be heard because they have not even asked for their sins to be forgiven...might not even be aware of some of the sins. That's O.K. though because group #2 is not really ever going to pray for you...never intended on it...I'll pray for you was just a nice little, churchy response.

auto response to indecision: if it's God's will
Now, group #1 is going to search scripture to see what God says about a particular situation. They are also going to see what more mature Christians say about a matter. They will also look for signs that they are on the right track or the wrong track. This group will play close attention to strong feelings that may be the sense of conviction from the holy Spirit.
Group #2 is not totally clear what God's will is because they have not read enough scripture to know. This group will also make mostly emotional responses...if it feels good, do it! Very, very dangerous.

auto response to a really bad day: wish Jesus would come right now.
*This one is my favorite. Now group #2 will NEVER say this, but will shudder when group #1 says it. Well, I shouldn't say never. They may say it on occasion, but definitely won't mean it. You have to have read and studied books like Daniel and Revelation to really know what God has planned for us in eternity. My first few years in church (which weren't that long ago), I hated to hear people say, "I wish Jesus would come right now."

He can't come right now. I have things to do. I mean...I have a nail appointment on Tuesday, and the next new season of Criminal Minds is next week. I also intend on another promotion or two in my life and a swimming pool.

Good gracious, now that I have spent some time in the Word, I realize how right now pales to eternity. There is just not strong enough terms to describe how #@!$^ our life is now. I'm not cussing, There just isn't a word to use here. Maybe there is one in Hebrew.

People talk bout getting a new body in heaven and how we won't hurt, have pain...we might even be drop dead gorgeous! Here is what I can't wait for...the end of the tug-of-war. Do you realize as Christians, we have the spirit of God in us, but it is wrapped up in the flesh and emotions of Desperate Housewives? Our earthly selves are wired to love self, please self, and choose self...even when the choosing is sinful...sometimes especially when the choice is sinful. The beauty of Christianity is it is a love story that overcomes. We shouldn't be able to love God, worship Him, praise Him, love Him because we are wrapped in sinful selves, but God made the way through Jesus and the Holy Spirit for love to overcome. It is insane how I can be praying, or blogging,and my mind start wondering about purses, and T.J. Max, and things I would never tell another soul because they are so bad. Anyway, that is what I'm looking forward to in eternity...all that sin being gone so that love is pure, and effortless, and better even than Godiva chocolate or a kelly green, leather handbag with bold accent pieces!

I'm not knocking group #2 in this email. It's where you start. It just doesn't need to be where you stop. I've spent most of my Christianity in group #2, but spending time in God's Word will deliver you into group #1. It is amazing to know what you are saying and to mean what you say. Open those Bibles. Just read a little EVERY day. Get a translation you understand. If you don't get KJV, then don't try to read that version. Open those books and read, download it on your computer, but it on a CD. Expose, immerse, and be changed!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not Deserving But Seeking

It seems like the past forty-eight hours have been some find of display of tragedy under a magnifying glass or on steroids. One minute our little world seemed somewhat stable, and then the next minute were stories of right after the other. So many people in our community must be experiencing a pain right now that is raw. They have received wounds that they feel they will never recover from. When awful things happen people often ask, "Why?"

I believe God is hurting as much as anyone today. He didn't create us to suffer. In fact, He created us and then felt complete. He placed us in the Garden of Eden which was without suffering, fear, worry. You didn't even have to water the plants! Had I lived in Eden I would have had ferns on my front porch.

We weren't content with Eden. We wanted to know it all. See the big picture. You know, that is great, but it isn't living in faith. We stepped out on our own. We took matters in our own hands. Although God is hurting with us today...shaking His head at the pain and sorrow...there is something that makes it very different for Him.

God does know the big picture. He saw the beginning, knows the end, and has seen every detail in between. Although He sees our pain and sadness today, He sees the joy that lies ahead. He knows how wonderful a future day can be, a moment yet to come, and ultimately our eternity with Him.

What He sees and knows is beyond our comprehension. It is beyond what we can hope for. God has always been about blessing His people. He has so much to give us, but He cannot reach us when we choose the world instead of Him. He will let us go our own way, even if that means it is away from Him. God doesn't want this separation, but He will allow it.

The flip side is we can choose Him. We don't have to settle on the world. We don't have to stay mad, stay angry, remain in pain. There doesn't have to be revenge. You don't have to make it right before you move on. You don't have to have that one more Spring Break trip that revolves around partying and then get things right with God. You can turn to the Lord right now. Right where you are. Wherever You are.

I am not deserving. I am seeking. I will never be deserving. We don't love our children because they deserve our love. We love our children because they are our children. God's love is that way. He loves us because we are His children...that is when we choose to be His child.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Experiencing God

I'm not sure how and if this post will actually post. I'm on the BB instead of my computer. We'll see!

In recent weeks I have had the opportunity to study Daniel and Revelation. I've also read Genesis - Joshua. I am blown away be the extent and the number of times God reaches out to be with us. Think about it. The Garden of Eden was a place we could take walks with the Lord. That didn't work so he gave us a gazillion different rules to follow and a gazillion ways to make up for us breaking those rules. That didn't work so He sent the Messiah. God walked again on earth and ate with us, talked with us, healed us. For a lot of people, that didn't work so He will come again. After rapturing some of us to heaven, He will give the lost yet another chance to simply believe in the relationship He can restore. That won't work for all, so He will come again to reign for 1,000 years of peace and harmony and being with us. Even that won't work for everyone. He will then have given every opportunity for salvation there ever could have been. He will create a new heaven and a new earth and be with us forever...those who believed. Not only does He come after us repeatedly, He also knows some will refuse Him, deny Him, prefer what they can see to what their hearts know. God gave us Jesus knowing it would only save some. He loved you that much, and He loves me that much.

I love God's Word because it IS my Garden of Eden. Wish I could take a walk right now...