Sunday, December 13, 2009

Struggles or Spiritual Shortcomings

Yesterday morning, as I was journaling and praying, God revealed to me a struggle is actually a spiritual shortcoming. What does that mean? When I struggle with an idea, situation, person, I am not being obedient somewhere along the way. Either I am not being obedient, or I am lacking in faith. Maybe I struggle even being around a certain person. Maybe there is a certain person who cannot stand to be around me. In that case, there must be an issue of unforgiveness or lack of love. I'm not talking about getting on each other's nerves here. That is just plain irritation. I'm talking about hate, anger, resentment. Those are struggles. If I have truly forgiven the person, maybe I have not been obedient in what God intended on me doing with that person. Maybe He doesn't want me around that person, or maybe He doesn't just want me around the person, but to witness to the person. Have you ever noticed how much we hang around each other yet do not witness to one another?

The struggle doesn't have to be a person. It can be a lifestyle. Again, I'm not talking about compromising on sin here. There are some lifestyles that are sin. Period. God has clearly and SIMPLY laid out in His Word what He expects and accepts and what He doesn't. I'm talking about whether or not you are struggling to maintain your witness. You can oppose sin and show the light of Christ. Doesn't God?

In addition to being disobedient, sometimes I just don't have faith. I don't really think God will heal that person. I don't really believe God will deliver that family from financial disaster. I don't really believe God will restore that marriage that looks like something off a soap opera. I generally and usually believe God can do anything. However, if I am being honest, there are moments of doubt or even hypocrisy. I say I believe, but do I live as I believe?

When we lack faith and are disobedient, we see ourselves struggling...that feeling of unrest. It is a spiritual shortcoming. We are not allowing God to work through us completely. We haven't surrendered completely in order to receive the grace to do what we are not capable of, forgive, shine as the light of Christ's love.

I read the coolest verse I have ever read this weekend in Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.

That verse is exactly what I want to do 24/7. I want to consume the word of God, lick the spoon, turn up the bowl. I want to eat it, breathe it, and live it. I will struggle. We all will, but from my struggles will come spiritual growth. I will move forward toward the prize. I have been called, and I will live to glorify God's name.

Perfect? No way...not even close. Christian? All the way!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading this post.

    I would have you consider the apostle Paul. He said that which I should do, I do not. That which I do not...well, that is what I do.

    So as we all have struggles as Christians, at least we are in good company.

    The reason for our struggles? As you summed up so well..."but from my struggles will come spiritual growth".

    "There is no strength, where there is no struggle."

    Debra (Jennifer Kizzar's mom)
