Sunday, November 8, 2009

In Love With the Word of God

By way of introduction, I have been a Christian for approximately 6 years. Although I have a long way to go in acquiring the knowledge of those who have been Christians for a longer period of time, my passion for God, His Son, His Spirit, and His Word is deep and rich and intensifies daily.

This blog is the result of encouragement, a challenge, almost a dare from my pastor's wife to begin each day reading from God's Word and praying via a journal. I am NOT a morning person. So, I put off doing what she suggested for a long time. However, she persisted, and I committed, and nothing will ever be the same. Bible passages absolutely blow my mind. When I read scripture, it is present day to me. Every line jumps off the page and applies to my current situations or of those of people around me. The funny thing is, although I love to read, I could never really get into the Bible before I was saved by the grace of God through His son Jesus Christ. I am truly a testament to the Word being alive.

In October, I found myself in a time of some personal, painful experiences. It also happened (of course it didn' was God) I was reading from Psalms each morning. So in a time of hurt, I found myself beginning each day praising God. There really is no high like the Most High. If you ever feel sad, mad, worried, start praising God and just see what happens.

In November I have found myself to be in Proverbs. I have fallen head over heals in love with Solomon (my husband is aware of this :) ) He, Solomon, is so...well, wise. He is cut and dry, tells it like it is, everything he says sounds like a bumper sticker. So here I am on the brink of Hurricane Ida and healthcare reform, and Proverbs is ministering to me like crazy! People, we are truly about to be tested like never before. We say we want to fully rely on God. Well, I think we are about to have the opportunity to do just that!

The more time I spend in God's Word, the more obedient to it I want to become. The more obedient I am, the more filled with His grace I am. There is nothing, I mean nothing, like being saved and filled with God's grace. I love to react to a situation knowing good and well I am not capable of doing the things I am...loving the unlovable, forgiving those I want to punch, caring for others when I had planned to do something just for me. In those moments, I know I am receiving a divine intervention. Praise God He intervenes for I am a mess without Him!

Well, this intro was long, and I tend to ramble. I hope you come back to Solomon's Portico. We will hang out on the porch, talk about what God's Word is doing in our lives, love on God, and let Him love on us. I bet our heavenly Father will pull up an old rocking chair and visit with us!!!


  1. This is great! I'm so excited to see what God has in store for us to read and learn as He works through you!!

  2. You are always such an inspiration to me!! I will be back to the porch to hang out with you and GOD!!!

  3. I am so excited to see your blog! This is great...I know God has great plans for you and He is going to use you in a mighty way. We have always said you are our "little beth" so I can't wait to see where He is leading you with this.

