Thursday, November 12, 2009

Small, Subtle, Little Things

I believe God speaks to me in very, very, very subtle ways. Even though I know that, I spend most of the time looking for gigantic God parting the sea, and talking through burning bushes. While I'm walking in circles, just waiting for these big signs from God, I'm missing the subtle moments where He displays profound things. Bless His heart, I know He shakes His head at me. I can almost hear Him say, "Girl, I've emailed you three times this morning!"

Let me share a few of the subtle things God has done in my life this week. On Tuesday, I was not having the greatest of days. It wasn't terrible. It just wasn't fabulous either. Do you just have days when you don't feel it? Well, I do, and it never fails for evil to pop up on those days. My sin trunk pops wide open and displays all its....well stuff. Since I spent my teenage and young adult years without Christ, I found myself centered on the alternative...the world...not a pretty thing. I have been places and done things God never intended, and although forgiven, I am certainly scarred. So, on occasion, on a day like Tuesday, my mind will start to run re-runs. I shouldn't have run it the first time...let alone battle the re-run. In these moments, I've learned to just start praising God. I call out every name and attribute for God I can think of, and sure enough, His grace fills me up. However, for some reason, on some days like Tuesday, I watch re-runs for too long before I start praising Him.

So here is my subtle moment from GOD: Tuesday night I was helping my son make an election poster for school. He is running for chaplain of a school club today. I suggested we put a verse at the bottom. Without hesitation, my child said, Let's do Romans 3:23...for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

I'm telling ya'll the hair on my arms stood on end. I could hear God saying, "All, not some, not you, not those people over there, ALL." The truth is we ALL have our sin trunks that want to pop open and re-hash from time to time. God's Word tells us we all fell short, but He loves us anyway. That in itself is enough for me to want to live for Him forever.

Another subtle moment: This morning I read Proverbs 17 and verse 9 just really spoke to me. Then I dropped down to my commentary which said (paraphrased) is when we become more like Christ we can forget things that have been done against us. HOLY COW!!! Now, I can forgive you all day long. I struggle with forgetting what happened. Anybody relate here? When I read that commentary I was wonder I can't forget. I need some more Jesus in me. Doesn't that make such perfect sense?

Another subtle moment: I noticed this week I have almost filled the pages of my very first prayer journal. I started to make mental notes of going to the store this weekend to get volume no. 2. I want you to know last night when I got to church, a dear, dear friend walked up and handed me a brown paper bag stuffed with pink tissue paper. You will never guess what was inside...yep, a new journal!!! No, it is not my birthday, and I don't have a secret pal!

Thank You God for your subtle yet continual messages. Lord, I know You are subtle with me because you want me to slow down. When I rush, I am in control, and I need the Father, Son, and Spirit to be in control. That's it. I need You! I have had more than enough of me. Thank You for this day...just this day...not tomorrow...not next week... just now.

Ya'll it's about the moments. We should surrender moments. The word surrender brings to mind - surrender to the cross and surrender to ministry. Those are big moments. What about the little moments of surrender? You know, when You obey God and forgive, love, praise. Moments are surrendered to Him when you stop worrying about your job and surrender to God's will and control in your life. Some of us got saved, and we haven't surrendered yet. I've surrendered to Christ 342 times just this morning :)

Don't overlook the subtle. Don't forget to surrender. He already parted the sea. He already endured the cross. Now, let Him just have His way with you!!!


  1. Thank-You Heather i needed that. your blog has been a blessing to me. I am so glad that I ran into you and you told me about it. I just love you girl. Ms. Debbie Lott

  2. about a hair raising moment! I was in the car this afternoon talking (really demanding) that God speak to me! I have been praying about something for a long time..felt confused about why God hasn't "parted the sea" for me yet! Then by the off chance that I had time to scroll the news feed of f/b...I see your blog...and man, talk about speaking in a subtle way...May God bless your beautiful blog to speak to others as it has me...Love ya, Jen Kizzar

  3. Great word Heather! It is seekers of God who find Him moving and guiding their steps each day. It is to these that His Word comes ALIVE!
